• Sunday, 29 September 2024

Aliu: Goal of Public Administration Reform Strategy 2023-30 is compatibility with EU standards

Aliu: Goal of Public Administration Reform Strategy 2023-30 is compatibility with EU standards

Skopje, 20 September 2023 (MIA) – The goal of the 2023–2030 Public Administration Reform Strategy is to make the public administration compatible with European standards, which is why it will take until 2030 to see through all activities showing the value of public administration in the EU, Minister of Information Society and Administration Azir Aliu said at the presentation of the strategy on Wednesday.


The strategy is part of the Government's strategic priorities established in the 2022-2024 Work Program and was presented at the "Modern and Efficient Public Administration Based on Digitalization that Provides Quality and Fast Services for Citizens and Business Entities" event.


Minister Aliu said the eight-year strategy consisted of two action plans laying out guidelines and activities for institutions involved in its implementation. The first action plan covers the period between 2023 and 2026, and the second covers the period between 2027 and 2030.


"The strategy and action plan are connected through a series of laws," Aliu said, adding that the legislation was under government procedure and was to be submitted to Parliament by the end of next month.


"Without changing those laws, without creating new ones on public administration reform, that strategy and action plan, will not be realized," Aliu said.


He added that the goal is for public administration to be fully digitized by 2027.



Aliu said the goal of the Public Administration Reform Strategy was to optimize public administration and institutions at the same time.


"We want our citizens to use one service for everything they need. That is why we are working hard together with post offices, to open 333 points at a state level starting next month, and citizens who do not have enough knowledge on digital skills, can find information there," he added.


Regarding the infrastructure for implementing the strategy, Aliu said a law was in the works on high-level management positions. For the first time, he said, North Macedonia will have an infrastructure and methodology on how a member of the public could go on to become a manager and then a director of an institution.


"I think that with such approach, when you have a manager that is an expert and knows how to manage processes, they will know how to professionally manage institutions. This procedure and types of digital transformation of public administration will contribute to this new area. Which means that we will know the moment when someone becomes a part of public administration, how they got there, how they manage the processes. I believe that these processes can only be sped up through digitalization," Minister Aliu noted.


The strategy goals will be realized through the establishment of policies based on evidence, reorganization, optimization as well as implementing additional methods for an efficient public administration.


Also foreseen is the further development of a professional public administration supported by digital transformation, innovative processes and technologies ensuring easily accessible, quality services for the public and the business sector.


The strategy focuses on creating policies and coordination, public service and managing human resources, responsibility, accountability and transparency, service delivery and digital transformation.


In a video address, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said the goal was for Macedonian citizens to have a quality of life according to European standards.


"The Public Administration Reform Strategy has a simple and clear goal: Delivery of more and quality public services for all citizens and the private sector. Anyone contributing to the budget with their taxes has the right to a quick and efficient service from institutions, and that is possible only through professional, depoliticized, efficient, effective and accountable public administration, supported by intensified digitization," Kovachevski stressed, adding that work was under way on digitization of public administration so institutions could digitalize processes and enable the digital exchange of data.



EU Ambassador to North Macedonia David Geer said public administration reforms was crucial not only for the development of the country but also for its prospects for EU membership.


In his address, Geer said that "strategies are as good as their implementation," and pointed out that the Parliament "is still waiting for various laws to be passed relating to the highest echelon of the public administration, which are especially important for a competitive, professional and high quality public service."


"I call on the Parliament to do its job. Review the legislation in detail, but also continue moving forward as quickly as possible, because these are important laws that will help establish the framework, along with the Strategy, for improving public administration," Geer stressed. ssh/mr