• Sunday, 07 July 2024

Aliti: Involvement of non-governmental and private sectors a condition for success of digital transformation

Aliti: Involvement of non-governmental and private sectors a condition for success of digital transformation
Skopje, 19 November 2022 (MIA) – Minister of Information Society and Administration, Admirim Aliti, believes the involvement of non-governmental organizations and the private sector is a condition for the success of digital transformation.   NGOs are in a better position to communicate with citizens and create data that would be transformed into public policies, Aliti said in an interview with WeBER Talks.   However, the Minister stressed, the involvement of the private sector is also necessary.   “When it comes to digitization, we also have to communicate with the private sector, not just with the NGOs, and when this creates a response from different parties involved at the time of implementing something, it is usually a condition for success,” said Aliti.