• Friday, 04 October 2024

Aggeler on amnesty law: It is important these processes to be transparent and legal 

Aggeler on amnesty law: It is important these processes to be transparent and legal 

Skopje, 4 October 2023 (MIA) - In regard to the Draft Law on Amnesty, US Ambassador Angela Aggeler said Wednesday that the most important thing for the US Embassy and for the United States is to be confident that these processes are going through in a way that is legal and that is transparent.

Answering a journalist's question during her visit to the village of Radovo on the occasion of the putting into use a preschool educational centre in Bosilevo, through a USAID program, Aggeler said that she is aware that the draft law is in Parliament, but that she does not know its content and added that it is important for political leaders to acquaint the public with the need for its adoption.

“And that the citizens of this country understand what is happening and why it’s happening, and their elective leaders communicate to them of why this is important for them. This is not the first amnesty law, of course, and it won’t be the last, but we will watch very closely to see the outcome,” Aggeler said.

The Government forwarded the Draft Law on Amnesty to the Parliament, Parliament Speaker’s Office informed on Tuesday. The law is proposed to be approved in a fast-track procedure and Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi has already forwarded it to the MPs.

Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said Tuesday that Draft Law on Amnesty has been submitted to Parliament without an EU flag, and it doesn’t target individuals, but lesser offenses, with the goal of reducing the overcrowding at the Idrizovo penitentiary and other capacities, and the opposition remained on the position that "notorious criminals" are protected by the law.